Collective Worship


Prayer and worship are central to our daily lives here at Belton CE  Primary School. The foundation of our school is Church of England and so all our acts or worship are based on this Christian tradition. All children in school participate in our daily act of collective worship and there are opportunities for children to lead and plan their own worship. We believe that we are all joined together as a worshipping community and parents and friends of the school visit our worship weekly.

We are very fortunate to have a number of people in school who lead worship including Miss Scott, Vicar Louise, the children and the teaching staff. 

There are excellent links between church and school. The school takes part in a number of church events each year including the Harvest Festival and the Christmas Carol Concert. Vicar Louise is a governor and she leads children through worship on a Tuesday. 

We sing songs from Out of the Ark, these reflect the time of the year and upcoming celebrations. 

 During worship we also listen to a variety of music from the Model Music Curriculum that the children are encouraged to analyse and critique. These come from across a diverse range of cultures and time periods. 

Leading Lights

As a group we will meet together regularly to discuss a range of things within our daily school life. 

These include: planning and leading Worship, evaluating Worship and monitoring the use of Reflection Areas within our classes and around school.

We work together as a team to ensure that Worship is a strong part of our school.
Worship Through the Week
Monday - Miss Scott - Values Assembly
Tuesday - Vicar Louise/Miss North - Liturgical Calendar/Singing
Wednesday - Mrs Peczek/Miss Ebbs - Bible Stories
Thursday - Mrs Yendall - British Values and Picture News
Friday - Miss Scott - Golden Book 
Useful Links: 
Our Church Website -
Singing -