Contacting our governors

We like to be as accessible as possible within the school community. If you have any suggestions for improvement your ideas and comments will be welcome. You can contact the governors by:

e-mail:   By using the individual governor emails which are listed with their details in 'Meet the Governors' section or by emailing the school office at

 and this will be forwarded to the chair of governors.

Letter: Please address any written correspondence to the chair of governors c/o Belton C of E Primary School.  Hand this into the school office and your letter will be forwarded as soon as possible.

Meet Us: There are parent governors who are often at the school gates dropping off or picking up their children, in addition, we are always available at each parents evening

Just a reminder: If you have an issue with something in school, your first point of contact should always be your child’s teacher and subsequently the head teacher – please contact reception to make an appointment.  Governors do not normally get involved in the day to day running of the school – that is rightly left to the head teacher and the senior leadership team.