Our Curriculum Overview
The school curriculum consists of the subjects that are taught at Belton C of E Primary School. We teach 10 subjects of the National Curriculum and Religious Education. We also teach Personal Social and Health Education and Citizenship. The 11 subjects of the National Curriculum are:
- Core Curriculum – English, Mathematics, Science
- Foundation Subjects – History, Geography, Design and Technology, Computing, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education and Foreign Language
The children in Foundation Stage/Reception, the Hedgehogs class, are in the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (0-5 years) where there are seven areas of learning and development. See the Foundation Stage (EYFS) tab for further details.
Our DFE validated scheme for phonics is Twinkl Phonics.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please look on our class and curriculum subject pages or contact the school office. Existing school community will also see lots of information on the WEDUC app.
Please read our overarching Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact statement below
Belton CE Primary School CURRICULUM INTENT ‘Achieving the Best Together’
Our intent is strongly underpinned by Christian values. In our school we have chosen six key Christian values which provide our focus. We believe that these values are at the heart of developing a healthy school community. These are hope, peace, forgiveness, love, friendship and trust. These values sit alongside the British values of liberty, freedom, community, tolerance, respect and law.
- We want to create an enable an exciting and supportive environment so that all our learners will flourish both emotionally and educationally.
- We want to ensure that the children can be the best they can be and become responsible, confident individuals who are equipped for the future.
Our aims are to:
- Develop lively, enquiring, healthy minds and independent learners
- Develop and extend basic skills so that our pupils understand the importance of them and their continuing role throughout their lives
- Develop an active partnership between the child, the school and the home
- Recognise, develop and promote individual talents to promote wellbeing and confidence
- Help pupils to respect and communicate well with others and develop an understanding of spiritual, cultural and moral values and the appreciation of religious life and those ways of life that are different from their own
- Help pupils appreciate their part in society and understand their own value and worth
- We want children, of all abilities, to have an education that ignites their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
- We want our children to stand out from the crowd and be recognised for their educational passion and ambition, their strong sense of morality and for their kindness and understanding.
- The school’s curriculum is designed to engage learners and promote high outcomes in all areas. There is a strong focus of progression of knowledge and skills and teachers have a solid understanding of what children have previously learnt and of their end points.
- We ensure that all pupils develop an extensive vocabulary enable them to express themselves clearly, make deeper connections between subjects, develop character, and open up opportunities in their next phase of education.
- As a small and non- diverse village school our curriculum is also designed to enable pupils to: grow in their global understanding of different cultures, to challenge stereotypes and to appreciate diversity.
- Underpinning the whole curriculum and in order to develop high levels of social and emotional intelligence, all pupils progressively learn to develop knowledge and skills in order to be able to be, resilient, reflective, collaborative, curious, imaginative and committed to learning. This is embedded through our use of learning powers.
- A broad and balanced curriculum with clear progress where subjects are taught discretely, with links made where appropriate
- Pupils have opportunities to contextually develop and broaden their vocabulary, knowledge and understanding across subjects.
- All teachers have been involved in the planning of each subject and have an astute understanding of how new knowledge and skills build and of their end points.
- Clear Reading, Writing and GPS cycles
- For most subjects a 2 year rolling programme reflecting our mixed aged class approach
- The impact of the taught curriculum is strong; work across the curriculum is of a high quality for the majority of pupils.
- All pupils including those with SEND and disadvantaged have full access to the curriculum. Our curriculum is not narrowed and because expectations are high- pupils experience success. The vast majority of pupils, including those with SEND, have well developed vocabularies enabling them to knowledgeably access learning across subjects.
- Marking and verbal feedback is effective throughout school; pupils are fully aware of their identified areas for improvement.
- Teachers carefully track the progress of all pupils and specific groups adapting planning and provision to address any gaps in learning.
- The vast majority of pupils are engaged in their work and thoroughly enjoy their school experiences.
- Conversations are focused around the lesson content.
- Children become resilient and resourceful.
- Children leave school as enthusiastic and confident learners
- Children leave school with an understanding that the world is a diverse place